Offspring 2012
Skærgårdens By Night
Skærgårdens By Night is the first foal of the year. He is a huge foal with long legs and a cute expression. He is another copy of his sire First Night, and we are really looking forward getting to know him.
Bo is such a curious foal and so much fun to play with. He is now sold to Sweden where he is living a wonderful life.
 12 hours old |
 Bo 2 yo |
Skærgårdens First Night |
Frederik |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Majgaardens Iona |
Øxenholm Godot |
Majgaardens Skibbereen |
Enghøjs Red Scarlet |
Coosheen Finnegan |
Coosheen Finn |
Ganty Gina |
nghøjs Lovely Lauren |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Enghøjs Queenie |
Egevangens Golden Kimberly |
Innellan Kestrel |
Spinway Comet |
Thunderbolt |
Spinway Cailin |
Abbeylix Swan |
Ballydinagh Rob |
Fionnuala |
Nørlunds Pacific Queen |
Nørlunds Mr. Swing King |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Holens Samantha |
Lykkesholm Parma |
Hamlet of Oakleigh |
Brenda of Oakleigh |
Skærgårdens Boogie Night
Finally this guy arrived - 1 month late!
Boogie is a small coltfoal which have exactly the same expression as his sire Delaney's.
Compared to the other foals he is not as independent, and he needs to be aware of where mom is all the time.
He has a surplus of elastics in his movement, and a huge canter with balance and up-hill tendency.
under saddle Boogie has showed himself very rideable, and is a joy to ride when he is so easily moving.
Boogie is now sold to a lovely home.
- 2. Best Coltfoal at DCPS show 2012
- Placed 3rd in his first youngsterclass with a score of med 65 %
- Qualified to the semifinals at the prestigious Danish Sportspony Championship for youngsters in dressage both as a 5 yo and 6 yo.
- Debuted in LA1 dressage with a score of 66%
 Boogie 4 år gammel |
 Boogie 2 måneder gammel |
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Carna Dun |
Glenlo Biddy |
Marena |
May Prince |
Mary |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Hazy Dawn |
Lærkens Camille |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Øxenholm Chess |
Lykkesholm Parma |
Luka Følfod |
Øxenholm Markbook |
Rory Ruadh |
Finney Master |
Fort Irene |
Lambay Marie |
Murrisk |
Tulira Mairin Ruadh |
Enghøjs Golden Tracy |
Frederik |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Majgaardens Iona |
Hedevejens Complicate |
Øxenholm Geronimo |
Enghøjs Fransisca |
Skærgårdens Movie Night
Movie Night is the 3rd foal of the combination between our Elitemare Barholts Evita and our lovely stallion Marvel van Graaf Janshof, and he looks just as amazing as his two fullsiblings! He has an amazing expression, and a super correct front. He is always one to put up a show and loves showing off. He has definitely stallion prospect written all over.
- Movie is now sold to Marlene Näslin from Sweden, where he is enjoying life as a broodstallion, also competing in both dressage and showjumping.
- Best Coltfoal, and awarded Championfoal at DCPS show 2012, amongst others 10 for type, 9 for movement 9 overall!
- CLASS 1 stallion in Sweden, awarded amongst others 9 for type, 9 for head and neck, 8 for canter, and 8-8 for technique and capacity in loosejumping
- Awarded GOLD at the Swedish Connemarasociety's Jubilee inspection
- Wins and placings in both LB dressage and showjumping
 Belønnet med GULD hvilket man kun kan være enig i - Er han ikke smuk?! |
 Movie 3½ måned gammel, Bedste hingsteføl samt Champion føl ved DCPS show 2012 |
Marvel van Graaf Janshof |
Carna Gold |
Carna Dun |
Little Heaven xx |
Double Dun |
Carrawbawn Colleen |
Paddy's Boy |
Canrower Pet |
Ballydonagh Deidre |
Carna Bobby |
Gil |
Carna Dolly |
Caschel Kate |
Tully Lad |
Rebel Kate |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Dale Haze |
Castle Park |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Marble |
Sally Maree |
Barholts Madonna |
Lærkens Catch Me |
Øxenholm Marble Jr. |
Lærkens Camille |
Barholts Rosaleen |
Øxenholm Markbook |
Kærvangs Ditte |
Skærgårdens Delicious Love
Finally a fillyfoal this year - and the first filly by Delaney's. Lis is such a cute foal with the most gentle eyes. Lis already plays well with the bigger boys eventhough she is the youngest and smallest.
Delicious has proven to be one of the best mares in Denmark for several years, achieving impressive results in such a young age. We are more than proud of her! Delicious is sold to a professional rider in England, and has taken the showworld by storm; winning the Horse of The Year Championship 2017 only 5 years old. The future definitely lies ahead for them.
- Best fillyfoal, and awarded resv. Championfoal, with 8 overall
- Classwinner with 8 overall at youngstershow in Egtved 2013
- Classwinner at DCPS show 2013 with amongst others 9 for type, 10 for body, 9 for movement and 9 overall - furthermore awarded the title JUNIOR CHAMPION
- Classwinner with 9 for type and 9 overall at youngstershow in Egtved, awarded Best In Show
- Classwinner and JUNIOR CHAMPION 2014 at DCPS show with several 9's
- 24 points (out of 24) + honorary prize at the National Show in Herning 2015 (no 3 yo connemara has achieved this for decades)
- MARE OF THE YEAR 2015 and inspected in Class 1
- Wins her first youngsterclass in dressage with a score of 68%
- Several wins and placings at show in England, qualified to the Horse of The Year Show 2017
- HOYS Champion 2017
 Horse of The Year Show Champion 2017 |
 Lis 4 year old |
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Carna Dun |
Glenlo Biddy |
Marena |
May Prince |
Mary |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Hazy Dawn |
Lærkens Camille |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Øxenholm Chess |
Lykkesholm Parma |
Skærgårdens Secret Love |
Marvel van Graaf Janshof |
Carna Gold |
Carna Dun |
Carrawbawn Colleen |
Ballydonagh Deidre |
Carna Bobby |
Cashel Kate |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Barholts Madonna |
Lærkens Catch Me |
Barholts Rosaleen |
Skærgårdens Magic Love
Last foal of the year! And everything we hoped for - a bay fillyfoal with the cutest expression. Magic is the epitome of perfection. So strikingly correct, with good movements.
She is definitely a foal of our dreams,
Besides being successful at in-hand shows, she has proven herself very capable under saddle being placed as the best Connemara at the Danish Championship for Youngsters in dressage in 2017. In 2018, just a few months before having her foal, she debuted in LA6 dressage (FEI pony level) with a score of more than 66%.
- Awarded 23 (maximum 24) points at the National Show in Herning in 2014
- Placed 2nd in the youngster class at DCPS show 2014 with several 9's
- Awarded 23 points (mximum 24) at the National Show in Herning 2015
- Placed 2nd in her first youngster dressage class with a score of 67%
- Awarded 23 point + honorary prize at the National Show in Herning 2016
- MARE OF THE YEAR 2016 Achieving class 1 with 9 overall, furthermore, awarded the title Reserve Best In Show
- Qualified to the finals of the Danish Sports Pony Championship for youngsters in dressage, where she was the best placed connemarapony
- Debuted in LA5 and LA6 dressage (equal to FEI-classes) with scores of 66%

Magic 2 days old
4 yo
Marvel van Graaf Janshof |
Carna Gold |
Carna Dun |
Little Heaven xx |
Double Dun |
Carrawbawn Collen |
Paddy's Boy |
Canrower Pet |
Ballydonagh Deidre |
Carna Bobby |
Gil |
Carna Dolly |
Cashel Kate |
Tully Lad |
Rebel Kate |
Bechs Butterfly |
Innellan Kestrel |
Spinway Comet |
Thunderbolt |
Spinway Cailin |
Abbeyleix Swan |
Ballydonagh Rob |
Fionnuala |
Skovlundegård Buddleia |
Øxenholm Marble Jr. |
Marble |
Song og Littlerath |
Øxenholm Buttercup |
Øxenholm Godot |
Brigitte |